Friday, April 27, 2012


"Whatever  you give a woman, she's going to give multiply. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.

-So, if you give her any crap, you will receive a ton of trouble."

Monday, April 16, 2012

credited to ; ex bestfriends :)

i miss you.

i miss having my best friend.
someone i told everything too.
i miss walking down the halls,
hand in hand, giggling, smiling. being happy.
i was constantly at your house,
you were constantly at mine.
my family quickly became yours,
and yours quickly became mine.
you'd come over crying,
and there'd be no questions asked
except, "sleepover?"
i'd come over being pushed
through the doorway by one of my parents,
and you protected me and told them to leave.
i remember the long nights we stayed awake
and just dreamed about the future.
how you'd be there on my wedding day
as my maid of honor and i'd be yours.
i remember discussing our crushes
and making up nicknames for all of them.
i remember the stupid fights we rarely had,
which ended up in us both crying and hugging.
i just miss everything about our old friendship.
the memories, the laughs, the inside jokes, everything.
i don't know if i should even try to take you back
after everything you put me through in the end.
the bullying, the harsh words, the judging, the fighting.
i'm scared that if i do take you back,
it'll never be the way it was
& i don't think i can live with that.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Turned 20! :D



First of all, thanks Mida Iya Mia Lynn Nazwa *happy face*

Appreciate sangat semalam. Bestnya main tepung, 'mandi' ramai-ramai sampai basah satu rumah! tahun depan nak lagi boleh? :P


Tahun ni, taknak hadiah.

At this age yang dah puluhan ni, cuma nak doa je dari semua orang.

Tapi! kalau ada yang nak bagi hadiah.. Saya akan jadi "Bagai anak kecil yang disorongkan bantal lalu tidur sampai keluar air liur basi' :P *Ibu ayah marah kalau tolak rezeki* haha.

Saya, sayang orang yang sayang saya. Sayang jugak kat orang yang pernah sayang saya. Bukan ex-boyfriend ye. Tapi ex-friend yang menjauhkan diri mereka sendiri, dan saya tunggu utk mereka kembali. Amin.

They wished my birthday *teary smile*

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Ya Allah.

Ini first time, rasa gegaran. kat hostel pulak tu. Ibu takda, so takda tempat nak lari bila takut. They said, gempa bumi 8.9 kat Aceh. tu yang terasa bergegar hampir 1 Malaysia ni.

                                 This. 8.9 sch. For me, it was terribly SCARY.                                

 And by the way, harini makteh kat Hospital Putrajaya. Maybe harini or esok dia bersalin. So most of my family members, ada kat sana. Masa dapat rasa earthquake ni, terus call ibu.

"Ibu kat hospital lagi ke? rasa tak gegar tadi?"
 "haaa kat hospital lg ni. tak rasa pun. Gempa ke?"
"tadi gempa kat Aceh. terasa sampai hostel. Akak takut"
"Insyaallah takda pape" 
 "takpe la macamtu. Bu, akak sayang ibu tau"
"Sayang kaklong jugak. Jaga diri"

*Lega sikit*

Lepastu dapat BBM. Dia kata "lain kali kalau rasa bergegar, masuk bawah meja"


*After few minutes*

"Ombak Tsunami dijangka tiba  di Georgetown pada 9.11p.m dan Port Dickson pada 2.10a.m. Jauhkan diri anda dari pantai" -twitter, facebook, bbm and etc.